Woman Escapes Blasphemy Accusations Amidst Mob Uproar in Lahore

As tensions flared, the woman sought refuge within a restaurant, shielded by a palpable fear, while police scrambled to contain the swelling crowd, numbering around 300. Videos capturing the chaos circulated on social media, depicting the woman cowering in a corner, and the escalating demands of the mob to remove the garment.
1 min read

In Lahore, Pakistan, a woman faced an angry mob’s accusations of blasphemy over a dress adorned with Arabic calligraphy mistaken for Quranic verses.

Seeking refuge in a restaurant, she was shielded by police as tensions escalated. Later escorted to safety, religious scholars confirmed the innocuous nature of the calligraphy. The woman, expressing remorse, publicly apologized, asserting her devout faith.

Calls for accountability emerged, condemning the mob’s actions. Assistant Superintendent Shehrbano’s efforts were praised for averting a tragedy.

This incident highlights the pervasive threat of blasphemy accusations, underscoring the need for tolerance in a society divided by fervent beliefs.

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